Donate... Make A Difference...

Help keep Ellipsis Music up and running for a long time!

All your donations will be used for the upkeep of this website.

If you prefer other means of donating other than PayPal, please feel free to contact us anytime at or through mobile number +639277814651 or +63279044886.

Thank you very much for your generosity!

It has always been our belief that talent and skill would only matter if we were able to give something back to the people that we work with and to the community that we belong to. 

This was our operating premise when we created Ellipsis Music back in 2013. Instead of constantly asking, wanting and taking, we dared to ask "What value can we provide?" or more specifically, "How can we help?" 

As active participants in the wedding and corporate industry, we have identified the musicians' need for accurate sheet music and so we diligently tried to address that concern. And the rest, as they say, is history. 

Web and Google analytics indicate we already have a very significant following. As of this writing, Ellipsis Music has had more than 339,000 individual guests from over 156 countries and about 6 million clicks and downloads. We have received countless messages of support and gratitude not only from people we know but also from people from all over the Philippines and the rest of the world.

We may be biased when we say that Ellipsis Music has been a game-changer in this industry, but the last time we checked we have not been duplicated. So all of these turn of events got us into thinking, "What if our friends wanted to do the same for the community but just didn't know where to start?"

We are now providing a page where fellow musician transcribers can share their original transcription works in the Ellipsis Music website.

Of course, everything done here is pro bono. But as we always say, not all payments are monetary.What we offer is an opportunity for you to grow in your musical career... a chance for you to hone your talent or skill. After all, if you put a limit to what you can do or how far you can go, you will always find yourself within those self-created borders. At the same time, we would like to offer you a challenge. Maybe now is the time for you to ask "How can I be of help?"

If you want to be part of our growing team, send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

We challenge you to unselfishly share your expertise. We challenge you to be brave enough to commit; to put in effort and hard work to make things happen not only for you but also for our community.

We also encourage you to make a financial donation to support the renewal and subscription of the Ellipsis Music website. We realized that there is no workaround from all the fees and costs that will be charged annually to keep the service running. Please continue to support the site. Any amount will be helpful. You can PM anytime if you wish to share.

​In closing we'd like to say that this endeavor may seem small or insignificant to some, but we believe that the key to change is our mindset. We can always choose to be active participants rather than passive bystanders. We may just be one individual or one group but our collective actions and perspectives will ultimately contribute to the community that we belong to. It may sound cliché but it is possible to make a difference even in our small way.

Support Ellipsis Music!

Share Your Transcription Works
